What Is the Average Maritime Injury Settlement?

The value of maritime injury settlements can vary significantly from one case to the next, making it challenging to provide an average. Instead, New Orleans maritime injury lawyers assess each client’s losses and strive to secure fair compensation.  

Your maritime injury settlement may provide compensation to pay for your medical bills, pain, emotional anguish, lost wages, and lost earning capacity. You can hire an attorney immediately to track your losses and fight for the win on your behalf.

What Compensation do You Get Through a Maritime Injury Settlement? 

If you qualify for a maritime injury settlement, you may get the money you need to cover any expenses associated with the accident. Depending on your circumstances, you may secure compensation for your:

Current and Future Medical Expenses

A maritime accident could cause catastrophic injuries, like a concussion, a spinal cord injury (SCI), or broken bones. Filing a maritime injury claim may help you get the money you need to pay for your:

  • Emergency treatment 
  • Medical diagnostic tests 
  • Treatments, including surgeries
  • Physical therapy and medications 

The cost of medical care varies from person to person. Some people may only face a few hundred dollars in healthcare costs, while others could end up with tens of thousands of dollars in medical bills. 

Lost Wages

You may qualify for money to cover your lost pay if you need time off work to recover from your injuries. The money you receive will depend on your average wages and the amount of time you need off, so it will vary. 

Pain and Mental Suffering

You may also get compensation for your noneconomic losses through a maritime injury settlement. Your attorney may help you get money for the emotional suffering, mental anguish, and physical pain you experience as a result of your accident. 

A lawyer can calculate the financial value of these losses and include them in your claim. While your attorney may not have exact information about what the average maritime injury settlement is, they can provide an estimate of the value of your claim.

How do You Get a Maritime Injury Settlement?

You may receive money through a maritime injury settlement if you sustain an injury while working on a boat, ship, or another vessel. Your attorney may collect evidence, track your losses, and file a claim on your behalf. 

In many cases, the settlement process requires a period of negotiations with your employer and insurance representatives. Your lawyer will work to establish that your accident caused all of your injuries and financial losses. 

A maritime injury attorney must also show that someone else holds liability for your accident and needs to cover your losses. Getting help immediately after an accident can improve your chances of securing fair compensation. 

How do You Know if You Have a Fair Settlement Offer?

Your attorney will review all settlement offers made by the insurance company and compare them against your losses to see if they provide enough compensation. 

Your lawyer will focus on your specific losses, instead of basing their decision on what the average maritime injury settlement is in Louisiana. You may have other legal options if the settlement fails to address your expenses. 

What if Your Settlement Fails to Cover Your Losses?

Sometimes, the settlement offer provided by an insurance company after a maritime accident will not cover your losses. In this situation, you may have a chance to file a lawsuit against the liable party.

A personal injury law firm can explain how to file a maritime injury lawsuit and support you through this legal process. 

Filing a lawsuit requires you to go through the court system to secure compensation. A lawyer can handle your legal claim, present evidence on your behalf, and help with any legal challenges you face.

You Have Limited Time to File a Maritime Injury Claim

Several important time limitations for injured maritime workers affect how long you can wait to seek compensation after your accident. Under the Uniform Statute of Limitations for Maritime Torts, you may only have three years to move forward with your claim. 

Fortunately, a lawyer can begin working on your case right away. Once you start the legal process, settlement negotiations may take several months. 

If you need to take your claim to court, it may take longer to secure compensation. Working with a lawyer can minimize the time you have to wait to secure compensation for all the losses you experienced. 

Talk to Us About the Money Available Through a Maritime Injury Settlement

What is the average maritime injury settlement amount in Louisiana? The funds awarded through these settlements can vary considerably. Therefore, our legal team at Scott Vicknair Law will assess your specific losses so we can bring you fair compensation. 

We have over 30 years of combined experience and the resources to handle maritime injury claims. When necessary, we can assist with insurance negotiations or a lawsuit. You can find out more by calling or completing our online contact form.

Scott Vicknair, LLC

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