New Orleans Truck Accident Lawyer

If you’ve been involved in a significant accident with a truck, it’s important to reach out to a New Orleans truck accident lawyer right after you’ve sought medical attention. It’s time to get legal help.

At Scott Vicknair Injury Lawyers, we understand that you deserve care and support after a truck accident. Our New Orleans personal injury lawyers are here to help you secure the financial assistance you need following a serious collision.

New Orleans Truck Accident Lawyer Scott Vicknair

Don’t hesitate to contact Scott Vicknair Injury Lawyers. We will fight for the win and work tirelessly to get you the justice you deserve. Reach out today for a free consultation and find out how we can assist with your truck accident case.

Immediate Steps After a Truck Accident in New Orleans

If you’re reading this, your accident likely happened some time ago. If it was recent, please contact emergency services immediately.

While truck collisions may seem vastly different, they should be handled similarly to car accidents in the immediate moments after. Key steps include:

  • Pull over to a safe place, if possible.
  • Report the accident to the police.
  • Exchange insurance information.
  • Gather photos, notes, and witness testimonies.

If you missed the chance to document everything, contact a truck and maritime accident attorney in New Orleans. A skilled New Orleans truck and maritime accident lawyer from our law firm can investigate your crash and help fill in any gaps.

Understanding Truck Insurance Policies

Just like regular car crashes, truck drivers are required to have insurance. However, the type of insurance can vary.

Independent truck operators typically have their own policies, while trucks that are part of a corporate fleet are usually covered by the company’s insurance policy.

Why You Need a New Orleans Truck Accident Lawyer

Dealing with insurance companies can be challenging. They often delay payments or offer less than what you need. A skilled attorney can fight on your behalf, ensuring you get timely and adequate compensation.

This is where our impressive case results speak for themselves.

Types of Trucking Accidents

Our Scott Vicknair Injury Lawyers know the devastating impact trucking accidents can have on victims and their families.

With over 490,000 truck crashes occurring each year, according to the FMCSA Large Truck and Bus Crash Facts 2021, resulting in more than 5,000 fatalities and 110,000 injuries, it’s critical for truck accident victims to seek justice.

Common types of trucking collisions that result in property damage to your vehicle include: 

  • Jackknifes: A jackknife accident happens when a truck’s trailer swings out and forms a 90-degree angle with the cab, often due to sudden or hard braking. These crashes can cause fatal injuries to anyone in the path of the trailer.
  • Falling cargo trucks: Improperly secured cargo by trucking companies can shift, causing the driver to lose control. Unsecured pieces can fall onto the road, leading to deadly crashes with other vehicles.
  • Rear-end collisions: Large commercial trucks need more distance to stop. If a driver is distracted or speeding, they may not stop in time, resulting in catastrophic damage to smaller vehicles.
  • Rollovers: Rollovers occur when a truck driver, especially an inexperienced one, overcorrects at high speed. The impact of a large truck flipping over can be devastating for nearby passenger vehicles.
  • Tire blowouts: A tire blowout on a large commercial truck can lead to severe crashes. Defective tires are often the cause, making these incidents particularly dangerous.
  • Wide-turn accidents: Large trucks require significant space to turn. When making wide turns, trucks may not see vehicles or pedestrians in their blind spots, leading to serious injuries or fatalities.

Establishing Fault for a Truck Accident

In truck accident cases, proving who is at fault is extremely important. The responsible party or parties will be held legally accountable for the victim’s damages.

Here are some common liable parties that a New Orleans truck accident lawyer might encounter in cases we handle at our firm. Often, more than one party can be included in the lawsuit:

Truck Driver

Negligence or recklessness by the truck driver is a frequent cause of crashes. Common issues include failure to obey traffic laws, speeding, and distracted driving.

Many drivers face pressure from employers to meet tight delivery schedules, leading to aggressive or fatigued driving. Additionally, driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol is a serious factor.

Trucking Company

When a driver is at fault, the employer can also be held responsible. Common issues include inadequate training and experience, failure to conduct random drug and alcohol tests, and hiring drivers with questionable records.

Trucking companies are also responsible for vehicle maintenance and timely repairs. They can be liable if an accident is caused by an improperly loaded or overweight truck.

Working with a skilled New Orleans truck accident attorney can help victims deal with the insurance company and secure the medical treatment needed for recovery after a severe injury.

The trucking industry has specific regulations, and understanding these can make a significant difference in the outcome of a case and receiving fair compensation.

Filing a Wrongful Death Claim After a Fatal Crash

If a loved one has died in an accident involving a commercial vehicle, you may be eligible to file a wrongful death claim. However, only certain individuals can file, and there’s a specific order of priority.

The priority for filing starts with the decedent’s spouse, followed by their children, parents, and siblings. Unfortunately, friends and unmarried partners face significant challenges in pursuing a wrongful death claim in Louisiana.

If you have lost a loved one in a fatal truck crash caused by a truck driver, it’s important to understand your rights. A wrongful death claim can offer financial support during this difficult time. Contact an experienced attorney to discuss your options and take the necessary steps.

Contact Our New Orleans Truck Accident Attorney Today

If you or a loved one has been injured in a truck accident, it’s essential to have a skilled New Orleans truck accident lawyer on your side. At Scott Vicknair Injury Lawyers, we fight for the win to secure financial compensation for medical expenses, lost income, pain and suffering, and more.

Truck accident claims involving commercial vehicles can be challenging, and taking prompt legal action is important. Our experienced lawyers are ready to help you build a strong case and hold the responsible parties accountable.

Call our office today to schedule a free case evaluation and discuss your options for legal action. We know truck injury crashes. Let Scott Vicknair Injury Lawyers fight for your rights and secure the justice you deserve.

Scott Vicknair, LLC

Scott Vicknair, LLCN/a
New Orleans Office909 Poydras Street,
Suite 1225
New Orleans, LA70112
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